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Discover your next level of


Soul to soul help to freed from maya (illusion) state to reach your next level of being and awareness in this lifetime

One of the things I enjoy, and people seek me out for, is with Metaphysics. I can easily connect with «The Other Side» of the spirit receiving answers about what is occurring to a person or an event.
By facilitating strategies to step outside of logic, you can discover why something occurred in the past, to transcend and move beyond it.

These tools help you with future events that can take place and how to better face them.


Certified In The Following Practices

Holistic Iridology

The study of how we can see our level of health through looking at our eyes.


A great tool to perform clearing and cleansing of places and entities.


Evaluating and detecting what need to be rewired.

Healy Frequencies

Medical device for the treatment of chronic pain.

Let's find the answers...


11 min
$33 USD

22 min
$66 USD

33 min
$99 USD

44 min
$120 USD savings of $12

60 min
$150 USD savings of $30

Healy Session

First visit (intake) 50 min
$60 USD

Follow ups online (up to 70 min)
$30 USD

Follow ups in person (55 min max)
$40 USD

All inclusive visit

(includes one or more services, depending on the needs presented at time of visit)

From 45 min to 1hr 30 min per visit
$150 USD